Thursday, March 17, 2016

Early spring flowers......

and farm work!  Now that I have been through a full year of blog writing, I realized that there are going to be repeats if I keep posting!  We kind of do the same thing, year after year on the farm!  Same with my yard!  The flowers tend to be the same, the layout tends to be the same, the produce tends to be the same.  Nevertheless, each process holds excitement!  I will always smile at daffodils blooming and I will always be excited the first day I get on the tractor in the spring.  Yesterday was full of excitement!!

These flowers are blooming right now, and I got to spend some time with little Colt, dragging the harrow across some beautiful land.

Take a look......

Miniature iris.  The blooms only last about a week, so you need to pay attention when they decide to appear to enjoy them.

Is there anything more happy than a clump of daffodils blooming?

This is Helebore, or Lenten Rose.  I really love it.

And this daphne is blooming her heart out, and so fragrant.

The bright, sunny day coaxed me in to airing out all the beading and even hanging out the sheets to dry!  I wasn't sure it would be warm enough for the flannel to dry, but they did!  And oh my, what a glorious fragrance we fell asleep to last night.

The sky was so pretty yesterday.

This lone daffodil survived the shop construction project of 2012.   I think I need to plant more!

The quaking aspen in the pasture are starting to bud out.  

It's not quite as pretty in this photo as it was yesterday afternoon, but the sun shining through the fuzzy catkins was striking.

And, inside the house is this cute reminder of the arrival of spring on the farm!

Before I could go to work on the tractor, I helped Reynald unload the new hitch for the drill that we have been working on.  One more thing to put together!!  That project has been put on hold for a few weeks.

Reynald drove to Washtucna WA yesterday to pick up the new drill hitch from Stoess Manufacturing. 

Here's Reynald and Kenny working hard!

And finally, mid afternoon, I made it to the tractor.  It's still very wet, so I had to wait until mid-afternoon before I could do any field work.  The same holds true for today.  I'm not complaining.  A slow start is nice!

Little Colt.  I really love this tractor!

Colt and the harrow.  At 7 mph and 82 feet wide, I get quite a few acres covered per hour!

The view from the cab of the tractor.  
We've had some nice rains this spring rains and the wheat looks fantastic!  What a great life we have!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post - and the photos, with everything budding and bursting - the fields look so amazing...cheers to you guys!
