Sunday, August 7, 2016

Morning Thunder Storm

There is rain predicted for Tuesday so we are scrambling to get as much wheat cut as we possibly can, just in case the prediction comes true.  We planned to work most of today, but Mother Nature had different plans.  A spectacular display this morning, with thunder and lightening, just as the sun was coming up, made for dramatic color in the unusual cloud formations.  A partial rainbow, and bolt lightening made us stop what we were doing and watch for a few minutes.

There was enough rain to stop our harvest progress until 1pm this afternoon.  We got a few loads hauled in to the elevator, and a couple more acres chopped off.  Hoping to finish the winter wheat tomorrow, then on to spring wheat for a couple days.  We're making progress.

After we indulged in the storm, I went to the garden and picked a few vegetables for our lunch!  I hadn't looked at the garden since a week ago today.  A lot has happened since then!!!


  1. Linda-looking forward to some more harvest pictures:-)

  2. Linda-looking forward to you posting some more Harvest pictures:-) Markham

  3. Wow! The storm lightening, and rainbow picture is gorgeous.
