Monday, March 28, 2022

When Two Worlds Collide

 Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, Alicia played with a woodwind quintet in Spokane.  Sunday morning she was running Spencer the the Sprayer, finishing an aid to tillage application of Round-Up on Zeiler Ranch stubble ground. She finished in time to move the sprayer home to Rolinco. 

She packed up her flute and performance clothes and put them in the water truck so that she could change after the move, practice a wee bit, and then be ready to go to Spokane for the performance when Matthew arrived to pick her up!  The definition of Farm Fresh Flute!

And, just in case you haven't seen this, or it's been awhile and you would like to see it again, here's the link to Farm Fresh Flute on youtube.

Flute, music and a change of clothes in the water truck!

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