Tuesday, November 15, 2016


It rained overnight, enough to keep us out of the fields until at least noon.  We're hoping to finish our late fall field work by Thursday.  It's a cruel turn of farming events, to put the slowest, least exciting operation at the end of the season.  It's the time of the year when you are ready to do something besides sit on a tractor!  We are both turning our thinking towards winter shop work, winter house work, and of course a little sewing thrown in here and there.

It takes a great deal of patience and discipline to sit all day long, when there is so much to do off the tractor.  But, sit we must, for a few more days!  The following photos are what happens when your camera is in the tractor and your brain is elsewhere!
Trying to be a little creative!

This is a sturdily built piece of equipment.

You can see from this photo, that there is a lot of volunteer wheat that has sprouted in the fields with all the rain and warm weather.  And look at that sky!

Now here's were you can tell I am getting a little antsy.  Just taking random photos out of the window of the tractor.

And the rear view mirror?  Goodness!!!  

I do have a good view though.  It's not a bad office space!

OK, here we are.....5.2 mph with a 23 foot implement.  Not a lot of acres per day covered at that rate.

Watching the farm as I go back and forth, back and forth, up and down the hills.  This is the operation where you get to know every square inch of the farm.  It's actually interesting to be able to take the time to get to know the shape of every hill, the flow of every draw, the pitch of every slope.

Daylight ends early now, the sun setting around 4:30pm.  A good set of lights on the tractors allows us to extend our working hours beyond daylight.  Makes it seem like you are working really hard!

In the east, the almost full super moon.

And turn your head to the west, and the sky was beginning to show sunset color.

I think it's so interesting how the clouds color up so beautifully so far away from the setting sun.  This bank was almost due north of the sun.

The sun is setting well south of the east/west parallel.  One of the things I especially enjoy about our wide open spaces is watching the progression of the seasons, through the setting of the sun on the horizon.  

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