Friday, July 20, 2018

It's beginning to look a lot like harvest

We are in pre-harvest mode.  Reynald and Alicia have been working on getting the equipment ready.  I have been working on harvest food, putting muffins, cookies, banana bread, and sandwich meat in the freezer.

All three of us have been sitting on the tractor, running the rod weeders.  Alicia finished her fields yesterday, I will finish mine today and Reynald will finish his tomorrow.

We are planning a soft start on Monday the 23rd, with full speed ahead anticipated on Wednesday.

Faithful Raymond full of fuel and to all our relief, new brakes!!!

Green Gator towing the air compressor. hooked up and ready to go.

Alicia's Arthur and the bank out wagon.  I've never know why it is called a bank out wagon?

Both combines are serviced, checked over once and twice and certified ready for service.

Starbuck and Double Shot, likewise serviced, tire pressure checked and ready to haul grain, hopefully lots of grain!

Combine, trucks and the Rolinco Road Resort in the background.


  1. I was just thinking that it is about that time! Good harvesting and may the force be with you!!

    Uncle Roy

  2. I would say \\// Live long and prosper, but that is the wrong SiFi series, unless you have a piece of machinery named" The Enterprise". Wishing you good good weather and a great harvest.

