Thursday, May 26, 2022

Camping Part 2

 Sunday was a warm and sunny day, with spectacular clouds building throughout the day, showing off an amazing sky.

Warm enough for David to wear shorts, but the rest of us kept our long sleeves!  We walked the loop and were treated to our favorite views.  There's a wide variety of wild flowers on display, and as previously mentioned, the sky!!!

The Funk Family

And another cute photo of a cute family!

Four generations!

Playing in the picnic grounds spring.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Picnic Grounds

 Goodness, time has gotten away from me!  It's been a long time since I entered a post.

This past weekend we launched the SS Rolinco for a family camping trip at the Mielke picnic grounds.  This trip was originally planned for a late April weekend, but farming and cold weather got in the way.  Anyway we thought, it will be warmer towards the end of May.  Not so much!   We had a grand time nevertheless.  Alicia picked up a nasty head cold earlier in the week (not covid!).  She and Matthew joined us for the afternoon and through dinner on Saturday, but camping in the cold didn't seem like such a good idea. 

A few highlights from our time together.

Roasting marshmallows for 'smores.

So yummy!

Let's go fly a kite.

Never a lack of wind in our region.

Found a nest of ants.  They are so interesting.

Always explaining something.

Climbing a tree!

Made it up to dad, with a little help from mama.  

Chilly Saturday morning.

Driving the SS Rolinco.

We kept a fire going most of the time, for cooking and for warming up.  


Monday, May 2, 2022

Hurry up and wait

 This is a hurry up and wait spring!   Last week Alicia and I finished spraying an aid to tillage rate of Round-Up on the stubble ground.  It was a full week before the weather cooperated for one day so that Matthew and Reynald could apply herbicide to the remaining winter wheat crop.   There's still 320 acres to do but they ran out of daylight.  Back to wind and a spit of rain here and there's no spraying for a few more days at least.

As a wonderful consolation to not being able to do the field work that we want/need to do, the sky is giving up some spectacular views!