Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Spring cultivation

It's time to get started in the field!  We are planting about 750 acres of spring crop (wheat) this year.  If we were able to start and finish, this project would take about 10 days.  But, as spring goes in the Inland Northwest, field work is a stop and go process.  Alicia finished harrowing the field yesterday and between the three of us, we finished cultivating, which went well in to the night!

Next up is fertilizing, but a big rain is predicted, beginning this afternoon and persisting through the weekend, so we don't anticipate much field work happening the next few days.  We are NOT complaining about the rain!  Moisture is most always good in dry land wheat country!

I was able to sit on the tractor for a few hours yesterday.  It's so good to be back in the saddle.

You can see the neat and tidy lines that Alicia made with the harrow and the neat and tidy lines I am making with the cultivator.

Is it even possible to farm with out satellite guidance?  

Looking back on to the cultivator.  There was a little dust coming off as the surface has dried slightly.  Really good moisture below the surface though, which bodes well for the coming crop.

I love the look of a freshly cultivated field.  We have a lot of residue on this field.  It looks like you could just throw seed out there and it will grow!

And so we begin.  The best thing about what we do is that there is a degree of consistency in the variety.  The variables make life interesting and at times challenging.  We have a good life as wheat farmers in Eastern Washington.  Moving with the seasons is a real privilege.  Stay tuned as we progress through this farming season!!!


  1. So funny to see no snow, we got 11 inches here in Central Wisconsin yesterday and into last night.

  2. Loved the pictures from the field! ~ James
