Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mozart on a Summer's Eve

My mom is complaining that I haven't been regular with blog posts and she is right!  I have several in my head, and on my camera, but simply have not taken the time to put them in post form.  So, beginning with the most recent event and then moving backwards I offer you a few photos from a really fun concert last night.  Alicia was invited to play in the Mozart on a Summer's Eve concert series, which is a two concert event, the final performance being tonight.

I packed up a picnic dinner and gathered porch quilts.  Alicia and Reynald rounded up five lawn chairs.  We stuffed all that in to the trunk of the car, picked up Matthew, and then Grandma and headed in to Spokane. 

It was a perfect evening, filled with good food, great music, family and friends, all in the beautiful Manito Park Duncan Garden lawn area.

Curry chicken salad, freshly baked bread and browned butter chocolate chip cookies.  Not pictured are sweet cherries from the Rolinco Road orchard!

You can probably pick out Reynald, Alicia's flute teacher, Bruce Bodden, Matthew and Grandma.

This is a portion of the lawn crowd.  There were also two large tents set up with tables for guests that wanted to pay more for seating and catered dinner.  

The fellow in the tie is Verene Windham, the artistic director of Mozart on a Summer's Eve.  He was Alicia's youth symphony conductor and has always been a huge supporter of Alicia, and all musicians in the area and beyond.  He is a Spokane institution!

Alicia performing with the octet.  

The sun was setting on the evening, through the pine trees at Manito Park's Duncan Gardens as music floated through the grounds.  

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