Friday, December 7, 2018

Combine repair

Reynald and Alicia have been working on repairing the combines this week.  They do this every winter.  There is always a great deal of wear from harvest.  The deeper they look, the more they find to fix, which is why they take on this task now, instead of two weeks before harvest!

This combine still has the feeder house attached.  This is the piece that attaches to the header.  Every piece of grain has to run through here, so there is always a lot of wear.

This is the feeder house detached from the other combine.

Here you can see where the feeder house is supposed to be.  Taking this off allows access to several high wear points and pieces.

This is the side of the combine where the rotary mechanism lives.  The rotary drum spins and separates the grain from the chaff.  There are some significant holes that have worn through the drum.

These fins are supposed to be smooth, not jagged and wavy like these are.

Kind of a fuzzy picture but wanted to show the head mechanic at work!

And, playing the role of supervisor, is Reynald!

Tiny toy gator on the shop window sill with giant heads of wheat, looking out to the real gator!

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