Saturday, September 25, 2021

All Hands on Deck

 After a nearly two week delay, waiting for rain, that didn't actually turn in to much rain, we are back in the seeding game this week.  We have never seeded this late.  This year however, everything is inside out and upside down.  It's terribly dry, and most of the seeds are not even going in to moisture, and those that are, have had enough rain to make a crust, causing the little wheat plants to accordion and go sideways, attempting to find a way out!  

A little piece of good news is that the rain that did fall, was enough to germinate the cheat grass, so we have a chance to eliminate at least one flush of this invasive annual grass.  Controlling cheat grass is an ongoing battle that we will never win, but this year we get to make at least one strike at getting rid of a few plants! 

 We carry on, do what we can and hope for the best.  

I was called back in to service Thursday afternoon to run the coil packer ahead of the drills.  

It was nice to be back on a tractor again for a few hours, and kinda cool to have three tractors working in the same field!

The afternoon sun cast cool shadows as we were working.  You can see the tinge of green in this field, which shows that there are trillions upon trillions of tiny cheat grass plants growing!

A closer look at the cheat grass.  So thick that plants are growing on top of each other!

Another shot of the green tinge.

And more shadow play.  Matthew and Reynald are filling the drills as I continue to coil pack and the shadows grow longer!

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