Sunday, May 29, 2016

Construction site

Yesterday I started a little construction project in the yard.  Well, actually I started the prep work at the construction site earlier in the week by moving several plants from the area, to the bee garden.

Also earlier in the week, Reynald picked up some bricks for me, in preparation of the project! I am building a brick pathway through the north flower bed, in to the pasture, for the wedding party to walk on in October!

Here's what I got done yesterday.....

Reynald took the fence boards off and will make them in to a gate.  I did a little bit of excavation work, and hauled the soil to a different part of the yard.

The path is going to be 32" wide so I laid out four bricks to help estimate the excavation width.

Here's the stack of bricks to be used.

I smoothed the area then made my initial border line with bricks.  Ideally, I would make a sand base to seat the bricks, but Reynald covered my sand pile with gravel last spring so that was that.

And the start of the path bricks.  I think it's going to like kind of nice!

I would have made a little more progress, but as usual, I suffered from a bit of  yard work attention deficit disorder!  I am so easily distracted!  It's all stuff that needs to be done.  I just can't seem to start one project and finish it, before I move to the next!  Kind of the fun part of that disorder, is that there are little bits and pieces of a lot of things started, so that when I do eventually get disciplined enought to finish, there's not that much left to complete.  Then a whole bunch of stuff gets done almost all at once!!!!


  1. At least you are putting bricks down by yourself. I would never recommend laying bricks with a group of 8 year olds...

  2. At least you are putting bricks down by yourself. I would never recommend laying bricks with a group of 8 year olds...
