Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Kitchen Banjo

A few days ago, Reynald was helping with the dishes and after he finished drying the frying pan, he started playing it like a banjo!  It was so hilarious!  There was blue grass music playing on the radio so it was a perfect "banjo synch"!!  Oh it was so, so funny!

Here are a few photos......

Reynald and the "kitchen banjo"

Baxter was kind of embarrassed!

More kitchen banjo!
After a couple days of gently stewing on the stove top, the salsa was ready to process, as was the pear butter.  I didn't add a thing to the pear butter, it's just pure fruit and so incredibly sweet!  It will be a real treat on toast or biscuits with butter!

Mama's salsa....

It took quite a long time to cook down because I kept adding more peppers, both sweet and hot to the mix.  I think the final outcome was a good one.

A couple jars of pear butter.  It smells and tastes so good!
Now that the canning is over for a few weeks, I needed to find room in the pantry.  A summer of blowing dust had left enough soil on the shelves to plant a wheat crop!  So, before I put the pears away, I took a few moments to rid the shelves of the summer dust deposits!  The rest of the house is still a dusty, dirty mess, but there isn't time to deal with that now.  January is deep cleaning month.  Until then, we'll just have to see what plants may grow on the window sills and coffee table!!!!

The pantry, freshly cleaned and organized!  Plenty to share when you come for a visit! 

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