Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Crime scene.....

I have been watching Miss Fisher's Murder Mystery on Netflix, while I exercise.  Hence, I am on heightened alert for anything amiss!  I came across this scene a while ago, clearly the site of a murder.  Immediately I began running through possible suspects and motives.....

The scene of the crime.....
Chicken feathers scattered in outside the chicken yard fence.

A list of the possible suspects.......
Leo is always on the hunt for a delectable treat....

And he's often out later in the day, in to the night.....
Here's a shady looking character.......

but no motive and a plausible alibi.
And another human that has made threats of various sorts, but again, not a solid motive as he loves his morning breakfast eggs.....

eggs for breakfast nearly every morning.....
why would he off the hen that laid these lovely eggs?
Sometimes, Baxter's friend, Tucker, comes to visit, but Tucker is a kind and gentle dog and would never dream of harming a chicken, a squirrel perhaps, but never a chicken....

Would a dog that wears as patriotic scarf really kill a chicken?

That leaves one last suspect, and most evidence is pointing in this direction.....

always on alert.....
the picture of innocence
though perhaps a slight look of guilt?
Clearly more investigation is warranted..........