Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

We had a quiet Easter Day.  Mom and dad and also Ron and Claudia came for dinner in the early afternoon.  Had a wonderful meal and superb conversation.  I wonder if the six of us would ever run out of stuff to talk about!

A few images of our afternoon....

Reynald has a thing for cleaning the sink after we do up the pre-dinner dishes.  I'm not complaining!

The dinner menu....

Table setting.

I love these little chick place card holders.  And the crystal was a gift from Auntie Marge many years ago.  We use this beautiful stem ware for special occasions like today.

I love these bunny salt and pepper shakers in their own little blue ceramic basket.

My dinner plate!  I was stuffed and well worth it!

Chocolate mousse for dessert.  It's so yummy and rich.

Mom brought us an Easter lily and the daffodils are from our yard.  Both so wonderfully fragrant and beautiful.

And just in time for Easter, the daffodils at the end of our lane are blooming beautifully.