Sunday, May 22, 2016

Cruizin' Harrington

Yesterday was a big day in Harrington!  A few years ago the "Studebaker Guy"  aka Alan, conceived the idea of having a car show in Harrington.  Alan loves old cars, and restoring old cars and displaying old cars.  Knowing that there are many other car enthusiasts in the world, he sponsored a show in Harrington.  It has expanded to include not only a car show, but a quilt show, and an opportunity for area vendors to display and sell their treasures, but mostly it's a chance for folks to get together and chat and learn and enjoy small town hospitality!

Here are a few images from the day, with the quilt show most heavily represented!!

Gretta was fully loaded with goods to take to the quilt show.

We set up the show on Friday afternoon,  It takes quite a bit of time to get things just the way we want it, but it's well worth the time.

Beth and Nina, prepping a quilt to be hung.

The stage crew worked for several hours, hanging all the small stuff.
Then Saturday arrives and folks are treated to the wonderful colors and talents on display.

One of the organizers of the day, Paula, made this darling sign for the Opera House window, telling visitors what to expect inside.

The Opera House auditorium, adorned in quilts!  This shot is taken from the back of the auditorium.

And this taken from the stage at the front of the auditorium.  

Smaller items were hung on racks, covered with sheets.  You could spend a lot of time on the stage looking at everything in this area.

This display surrounded the beautiful grand piano on the stage.

Still more from the stage.

My cousin Therese is a true artist.  She created these masks, each one unique, representing different life phases.

More of Therese's amazing!

Almost every visitor to the show stopped and chatted with Nina as she spun wool in to yarn.

I love this image of Nina, working her spinning wheel in front of these beautiful quilts.

Some of Nina's wonderful spinning.

Nina has the most beautiful yarn.  I wanted to buy so much!
And the car show is so fun!  Again, so much color and talent and time spent restoring and then caring for these cars

Cars up and down both sides of the block, and beyond.

A full parking lot outside the Ford Garage.

I LOVE the color of this car.  

Our friend Curt drove this bright yellow gem down to the show, from Spokane. 

And here's the interior.  Also bright!!!

Who doesn't love the T-Bird!  Not my favorite color, but I wouldn't turn one away if someone gave me one!

There were lots of Studebaker cars at the show!

Love this Studebaker Coup.  

I haven't ever seen a rig like this.  An International Panel I think you would call it?  We used to have a panel at the school when I was a kid, for taking small groups of kids to events.  

I thought this was so hilarious!  This golf cart made to look like a chevy pickup!

Caught the owner having lunch on the back seat! It was fun talking to him about his creation.

Interior details of the golf cart.  Notice the wood paneling and the stereo speakers, and the darling little wood block to hold the golf tees!

And here's the detail that really cracked me up, blue dice valve stem covers!

Only in Harrington, will you see a combine and tractor represented at a car show!  The combine is actually advertising for the Lind Combine derby, coming up in Lind WA in two weeks.

And here's the mayor of Harrington, posing in front of the tractor!

There was a lot more happening yesterday that is represented here.  It was a terrific day, and a fun day!


  1. So cool! You guys have sure put a lot into those quilts! Can I meet Nina when I come home? Really neat she spins her own yarn!!

  2. So cool! You guys have sure put a lot into those quilts! Can I meet Nina when I come home? Really neat she spins her own yarn!!

  3. I'm not missing out next year,what wonders to behold!

  4. Somehow I kept putting off looking at this post "till I have more time." I didn't have time this morning either, but looked anyway!
    THANKS for sharing. Great job capturing the day!
