Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mistakes, I've made a few

but then again......So, when I bought the burnt orange petunia, and also a really goovy black one, Beth suggested that I plant them in a pair of cowboy boots.  Great idea!  I went to Value Village and found a very nice pair of boots, but when i planted said petunias in the black boots, the black petunia didn't show up very well.   So, I planted the black petunia in the ground, and replace it with a burnt orange gazania daisy.

Burnt orange and black petunias.

Revised to black petunia in the ground and the gazania in the boot!  
My goal for today was to plant all the annuals that I bought  several days ago on my plant buying spree.  Here's what the patio looked like this morning.....

And here's what it looked like tonight!  Not much change, admittedly, but I promise I wasn't watching Netflix originals all day on my computer.  I really did spend THE WHOLE DAY in my yard, planting, and weeding and cleaning up tulip and daffodil leaves etc.  Everywhere I turned, there was something to draw my attention away from my original intent!

Many things are blooming in the yard, plants that don't normally bloom until a month from now.  Matters not, we're enjoying the bloom now!

I'm crazy about succulents and there are so many nurseries catering to that craze!  Apparently I'm not the only one that fancies these unique plants.

Some of the plants in this box have been wintered over in the garage.  Others are new purchases this season,

Not sure why I haven't planted succulents in this pot before?  It will be much easier to care for, since these plants can survive the occasional, "oops, forgot to water that!"

Love this little dusty miller plant.  I'm hoping it will be a nice contrast to the dark red geraniums planted behind this row.

Pansy!  It was a gift from quilt retreat earlier in the spring.

This heritage peony is a favorite.

The tri-color beech tree is so pretty in the early spring.  Tonight, at sunset, it practically glowed. 

The color of this iris is so wonderful.  A quiet apricot.  My mom calls it champagne.

This clematis is happy!

A closer look at the bloom.  Spectacular!

I have no idea what the name of this peony is, but I really love it.

And this white one is very nice as well.

This copper and white iris is striking.
The wheat is also very far along, compared to where it should be on a "normal" year.  It is heading out, which is always kind of an exciting time.  Looks like we are going to have to harvest this year!
Headed out wheat.

This head of wheat is just busting out of the "boot".  Before the heads break out, we  call this stage, "in the boot".  It kind of reminds me of a baby chick hatching out of an egg.  

These guys are out and capturing every ray of  sunlight!  Some water would be welcome anytime soon!

Hoping to make more progress tomorrow with planting, and one of these days, the garden needs to be planted.  Should have been done weeks ago, but other tasks have taken over.  It's OK.  It will all get done eventually!