Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ding Dongs!

Sunday David brought a co-worker to visit the farm.  Athanos is moving to Spokane this spring.  He grew up in Greece, moved to Rome for work and is now on his way to the Inland Northwest! David spent a few days last week introducing him to Eastern Washington, which of course included a visit to Rolinco Road for dinner and conversation.

Athanos and David, always, always working.

David has a guitar that he keeps on the farm.  When he is here, he can not keep his hands off that guitar!  It's such a treat to listen to him noodle away.  

Sometimes I like to try a new recipe when people come for dinner.  I decided this would be a good time to have a go at homemade Ding Dongs.  They were super good, but not very pretty.  I need to try again, revise some of my techniques to see if I can make them more presentable.  In the meantime, we all enjoyed the "ugly ding dongs", and look forward to "pretty ding dongs" in the future.

I forgot to take a picture of the cake in the cake pans, before I used a biscuit cutter to cut out the rounds.  Tried using this pepper corer to cut out the center, but found out that a serrated knife worked better!

Cake scraps.....what to do with these?

Centers cut out of the cake rounds,

You save the cut outs to replace once they are filled with whipped cream.

Filled cake rounds.

Cut outs replaced.  

Ganache covered cake rounds.  This is what I need to figure out how to make more pretty.

The finished product....not very pretty but oh so so good!

The inside of the ding dong!  

Speaking of pretty, Athanos was treated to a very beautiful Rolinco Road sunset.  Watching the sun set over the expanse of snow covered wheat fields isn't quite the same as looking over the Mediterranean Sea, but beautiful nonetheless!  

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