Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Porch Quilt Snow

A few days ago we had the most beautiful snowfall.  Big fluffy flakes, falling gently to the ground.  It was the perfect time to grab a porch quilt and a cup of hot chocolate and sit for a few minutes and watch!

And speaking of quilts.....I've been working on the woman quilt.  I finished piecing the top quickly, as it is a simple design.  Now I am doing the hand quilting, which I really enjoy.  It takes time, but it's something that relaxes my brain.

I'm working on this and re-watching Downton Abbey.  Somehow I never got around to watching the last two seasons when they were first broadcast.  

This photo shows the hand stitching that hold the back and the batting the wool top all together.

What isn't relaxing my brain is this blasted spring quilt!  It looked like such an easy block to construct, but that's not so.  I'm finding it nearly impossible to get my points to line up.  I sew each seam at least twice, more often three times and more than once....four times!  I'm determined to get it right though.  Patience is the key.  I do love the end product, so I will soldier on.

Two rows of the spring quilt for our bed.  There are to be 12 rows!  There is one more row added now, but still a long ways from finished.
Now, time for a confession.  Beth and I and our friend Nina took a road trip to the quilt shop in Odessa this past Saturday.  Not a smart thing to do.  I went in search of one thing and as you may well guess, ended up with not one, but three separate projects!  In my defense, one piece of fabric was to finish something that is all ready in the works.  Two was to begin a project that has been on the project board for two years and when you see just the right fabric, it's a shame to pass it up!  And three....well, three is where I really fell off the wagon.  (All this fabric was on sale by the way!)  The movie themed fabric was just too cute to pass up!  It's going to be so fun to cuddle up under while watching movies!

How could I pass this up?

I love the stars and the movie reels!

This is the block that Reynald chose.  He would choose a hard one!  Good thing I have lots of brain relaxing projects to counteract these brain taxing ones!

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