Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Attention Deficit Day

Today I went in four different directions, sometimes more than one at the same time!

The day started out sunny, warm and very little wind so we decided we could spray some of the stubble ground with round-up to kill control the volunteer wheat and other weeds that have germinated this spring. It was too wet to run the coil packer and also too wet to seed.

Ron ran the sprayer and between hauling loads of water out to the field, I managed to get the lawn mowed.  It needed to be mowed!
Sheets on the line, a lawn that needs to be mowed and my spray boy flying along.

The width of this applicator makes me stop and take notice when it pops over a hill.

Mowing the lawn with my spray boy in the background!

Just after lunch time, the kindergarten class from Harrington arrived for a tour of our chicken house.  They are studying eggs and chickens and today was their farm tour day.  They visited four different farms that have chickens!  16 lively little folks piled out of the bus!  Their energy was matched by Baxter's enthusiasm to greet humans roughly his size!
Some of the kindergarten kids and their teacher, who was our kids teacher back in the day! Ron is in the background with the sprayer.  He honked the horn and the kids all waved!

A couple hens and a couple kids!

Each kiddo gathered an egg to put in the egg basket.

The kindergarten class!  

After the kiddos left to continue their tour, Reynald decided that it was now dry enough to run the coil packer over a few acres before the sun went down.  I left him with a full load of water in the truck and went to spend some time with my favorite tractor, Colt.
Late in the afternoon, storm clouds began rolling around.  I was lucky and only a few drops hit my windshield, so I didn't have to stop my work.
More rain is predicted for tomorrow.  It doesn't take much these days to halt our forward progress in the fields.  It's getting late in the season, according to the calendar, but not according to the weather.  We're trying very hard not to panic, but not having much luck with that!  It will all get done.....

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