Tuesday, March 19, 2019


We made a quick weekend trip the Boston a few days ago, to see the kids.  They have done a lot of work to their apartment, and we were anxious to see the renovations.  They painted all the walls and got new composite flooring.  It all looks so nice.

Art work in the Spokane airport by fiber artist Louise Kodis and her daughter Chemyn.  I could spend a lot of time looking at these depictions of clouds.

David's parents joined us on Friday afternoon and remained until after brunch on Sunday.  We love spending time with our east coast family!

Thursday afternoon, after we arrived in Boston, we went to the Equinox Sports Club to watch David play squash.  This is the first time we have ever watched squash.  Roni explained the rules as we watched.  David makes it all look easy, but watching some other players, on adjoining courts, it is obvious that it is not as easy as he makes it look! 

While we were waiting for David to get off work, we took a stroll around the Commons.  Most of the snow is gone, and it's kind of a muddy mess, but if you stay on the path it's fine.  It was a gloriously sunny and warm day.  Everyone was out walking their dogs and kids!

Boston sky line from the Commons.

My favorite travel companion!

I couldn't help but wonder what Baxter would do in a pack of dogs like this, with squirrels running up and down trees.  I don't think it would go very well for him, the dog walker, or the rest of the dogs!

I love these frog statues at the edge of the frog pond.  

This one is my favorite.
The frog pond is in the process of converting from winter ice skating to summer pond.

This woman was taking advantage of one of the first warm and sunny days after a long Boston winter.

David in the service box.

David's forearm stroke.  He has a wicked good backhand!

One lone squash ball waiting on the court for the next game to begin.
Friday afternoon we went to a new place called Boda Borg Boston.  Boda Borg is very popular in Sweden, but is just debuting in the US.  It's a game where you work as a team to figure out ways to unlock clues to advance out of rooms of mystery.  Each challenge has three rooms.  If you solve the puzzle of the first room, you advance to the second.  If you don't solve the puzzle, an angry sounding buzzer goes off and you have to leave the room.  You may attempt the challenges as many times as you want.  It's really fun and a great challenge for problem solvers.

I wish I could have taken some photos inside the rooms but that was frowned upon.  Plus, there wasn't time!!  We had problems to solve and work to do.

We all used lots of energy at Boda Borg.  Roni Jo and David made up this wonderful cheese and cracker plates for our appetizer before dinner.
Saturday the weather was crisp and cool but the sun was out and the sky was blue.  We walked around the Arnold Arboretum, one of favorite Boston sights and then walked up and down Centre Street where the kids live.  I almost came home with a new hat from the hat store! 

You can only just see the tallest building of downtown Boston from the arboretum.

Snowdrops......a sure sign spring is here.  

Just a little snow left which prompted....

snowball throwing at a tree branch to see who could hit it first!

Possibly my favorite store in all of Boston and it's just down the street from where the kids live.  

Sunday afternoon was also sunny but cool, perfect walking weather.  We took a stroll around "the pond" aka Jamaica Pond.  This is another favorite activity for us.  Also, if one finds themselves in Boston, on St. Patrick's Day, it only seems right that one much drink a Guinness! 

Jamaica Pond

I really love Guinness beer

Monday morning we loaded up on the plane and headed back home to warmer weather, melting snow and a sense of panic because spring work is indeed, just around the corner.

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