Saturday, March 30, 2019

New Window

I am over the moon in love with the new window that Spokane glass artist David Glass designed, built and installed in our laundry room door.  This is the third window that David has done for us, each one unique and perfect for its location. 

We are thrilled with each one.  These are windows that we look at each day, several times a day, and I never get tired or seeing them.  They make me smile.  I have a deep appreciation of folks that can create original art.  I can not.  I am a pattern follower, which is fine.  Art doesn't exist without appreciators and that is my role.  So happy that we have such talented and creative family and friends!

It's a little hard to get a good image of the window, but this gives you an idea of how cool this is!

The green and gold borders evoke thoughts of each cycle of our growing wheat crop.

The darker piece in this close up reminds me of ripened wheat.  The small piece of glass directly above, came from the historic Davenport Hotel in Spokane.  David said he has had bits and pieces in his stash for decades.   What an honor to have two pieces in this window from the Davenport.  

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