Monday, March 23, 2020

Random stuff

Virtual quilt retreat was fun and interesting.  Almost everyone joined in through email and photos.  Looking forward to fall though, when we can all get together in person.

Here's what I worked on over the weekend and finished this morning.

This pattern is called "Crossings".  I used 1930's reproduction fabrics.  These are my all time favorite fabrics.  They are bright and happy and make me smile.  Reynald is trying to decide if he really wants to be up yet this morning!
I decided I need more crocus in my yard.  I will try to remember to buy more bulbs this fall.  

These miniature iris are so darling.  The bloom doesn't last long so you have to pay close attention and enjoy them while you can.

Trying to get the roses pruned.  

This is from one rose!  

Some roses are still held hostage by the snow drifts!  
Filled out our census form.  I was going to do it on-line but this was dropped off at the house so I went ahead and did it with a pen and popped it in the mail.

The wheat was slightly damaged during the winter storm.  Nothing serious and it will recover fully, but the high winds and cold left behind some unhappy foliage.  
Baxter is not supposed to be on this bed but he was tucked up so cute I didn't have the heart to shoo him off.  This is how we spoil our critters!  I'm not proud of this.....

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