Monday, January 19, 2015


For well over a year, no, maybe over two years now, my dad has been pestering me to figure out what I wanted for a sewing center.  I kept telling him that I loved my sewing space just the way it was.  I loved the old cabinet that he made for my mom years ago.  I was doing just fine with my modified cutting table.  I was just fine, content.  But he persisted...

One of the main reasons I put him off is because stuff like this makes me really tense.  What did I want if I could have anything that I wanted, in a sewing center?  No idea!  It was just so much easier to leave things the way they were.

Finally, my dad had enough.  He said he was going to start with the cutting table so I had better figure out what I wanted.  I started looking at photos on-line and came up with a rough idea of what I liked.  Dad took it from there.

He's almost finished with the cutting table and it is AMAZING!!!!  Photos will follow of course.....

Next he will start on the sewing center, which led to the following photos.  Reynald helped me verbalize what I thought I might want/use.  Then he suggested some room rearrangement, which led to total chaos!  It needed to be done.  I needed to deep clean my room.  I needed to be able to visualize what the sewing center would look like.  I just needed to take everything apart, and attempt to put it back together, but oh my goodness.......

Started this project on Saturday......was away from home all day Sunday, back at it today.  I have to finish today or my brain will explode.  The good news is that I am sorting, and pitching and organizing, and most importantly, finding out that I really don't need to buy another new project for about 10 years!

So this is the original arrangement, though I have moved a few things already.  Notice the sewing machine cabinet at the end of the room, in the corner.  The dark brown cabinet in the foreground is know as "the icky cabinet".  One day I will explain why!                                                                                                                
A little closer view of the sewing end of this room.  The machine cabinet, a built in ironing board and an old mangle that Auntie Marge gave me years ago.  It still works and I used it just the other day to press some cloth napkins.

This is the stitching end of the room.  Baxter's cozy chair, a reclaimed china hutch from an estate sale, a wooden drying rack, also given to me by Auntie Marge, and an old map case on the wall.

The view this morning!  It just keeps getting worse!!!  You can see the icky cabinet, in place, where the sewing machine used to sit.  Baxter is unfazed by the chaos!
 Another view of the room.  The cutting table will tuck in to the corner, under the crazy chickens and school kids on the wall.  That table and corner bench will be moved to the office in the shop.

And it spills out in to the hallway!

and out in to this hall way!

So, as you can see, I need to get back to work on this project.  I'm only slightly overwhelmed at this moment.  No way around it, just roll up my sleeves and find a place for everything, or help it out the door!!  

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree that you do, indeed, have chaos. However, I suspect it will be in order by the time the cutting table arrives!
