Monday, December 7, 2015

Deck the Halls.....

Today, I finished decorating the house for Christmas.  There was a moment last week when I wondered if I really wanted to do this, from top to bottom.  But now that it's finished, I'm so happy that I had the time to do it.

The next several photos are all about Rolinco Road Christmas decorations!  Grab a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the season with us!

It all starts out with chaos!

And more chaos.  

Baxter rummaged around in one of the boxes and drug out this little gem!  Took everything out of the house then fell asleep!
 This is our first nativity scene. Reynald bought it for me at a Hallmark store for our first Christmas. Just kind cute and sweet.

 But I always knew I wanted something different, something more true to the spirit of the era, and the place.  I happened along this set one day in Spokane, in a shop that was going out of business and everything was half off.  I really, really love the depiction this portrays.

Then there is the snow village scene!  A completely different feel than the nativity scene.  We started with one house, many years ago.  Added a barn, then another house, then another barn, and well, you get the idea.  The village is full now, and we haven't added anything new for several years.  Each piece makes me smile!

This whole process is just exhausting for Baxter!

Again, many years ago, my parents thought that Reynald would enjoy a collection of nutcrackers.  He received one each year for his birthday until again, it was declared that the shelf was full!

And a few more precious items scattered about the house!

There are several homemade decorations, some quite old and some relatively new. And as you might imagine, I tend to add something each year, or maybe two somethings, or three!

My mom made this for us for our first Christmas.  It represents an era of quilting that most of us are long past, including mom!  But I love it.  I will always hang it up.

I did this piece the year that I severed my Achilles tendon.  It was my first attempt at needle turn applique.  While I really like the piece, the memory of the Achilles recovery is not so happy!

I am such a sucker for wool!  This darling stocking kit caught my attention at the Buggy Barn years ago, and I'm so happy that it found it's way in to my basket!  I really enjoyed this project.

And this is another wedding gift!  My grandma Berna made an advent calendar for each of her grandchildren when they married.  It was a bit of a stretch for grandma.  She wasn't really "crafty", which is what makes this gift really special.

K, this cracks me up.  There's a whole series of these little cross stitch pieces in the "photo booth" series. There is one for each holiday, nine in all. I have two more to make. I keep getting sidetracked with other projects. Once of these days I will get back to them and finish up the last two.  

Again, Baxter has had enough of the decorating commotion!  He thought he was being so clever and escaped to a bedroom to hide!  He's really not allowed on this bed, but he looked so cute, all curled up with Santa!

And finally, my sewing room.  I am especially fond of some of the vintage pieces here.

I didn't plan it this way, but this tree has ended up with a bit of a ginger bread theme!

I made this last winter.  Wool applique again!

Ginger bread ornaments abound!

Beth made these little guys for me several years ago.  Baxter ate one when he was a puppy.  And, I'm sure he would eat more, given the chance!

This is an empty Christmas card box!

A few more vintage items.

This is a post card.  Do you see the hole in the windshield by the steering wheel?  This is not only a post card, but a record that you can play on your stereo!  Rosemary Clooney wishing you are happy Christmas.

We'll wait to decorate the tree once Alicia gets home.  Of course, there will be photos of that process!  Wishing you all a warm and cozy season......


  1. Very cute stuff! I really enjoyed touring your beautiful house via the blog, since I couldn't see it in person. Unfortunately, we will be out of town when the barn concert happens, so won't be able to attend. Sigh. ~James

  2. Looks lovely and can't wait to be home!!
