Thursday, June 9, 2016

I'm Just a Girl....

That Can't Say No!

Yesterday Beth called and said she was on her way to Quincy to get the last cutting of asparagus for the year, did I want some?  I could have said "no".  I could have said, "sure, how about 10 pounds for eating fresh?"  I could have said, "sure, how about 20 pounds for eating fresh and sharing a few pounds with friends, family and neighbors?"  Instead I said, "sure, how about 50 pounds so I can pickle some!"  She arrived with 60 pounds for me!

Here's what I did with it!  Expect pickled asparagus on the relish tray when you come to visit.

A 20 pound lug of beautiful asparagus.

21 quarts of pickled asparagus.

It really is kind of pretty.