Monday, May 29, 2017

Work Crew

David and Roni arrived Friday night from Boston with an agenda!  Their plan was to help Alicia as much as they could, to get her yard cleaned up and the garden planted.  And work they and we did!  David's brother John also chose to spend the weekend with us, driving here from Portland, though I wonder if he would repeat his visit, had he known what was in store!

The images for this post are of the work on Saturday.  Much more happened on Sunday and hopefully a little more will take place today, after which I will take more photos to show our progress!

Much is happening, and much more yet to accomplish!

A few days ago Alicia took all the stuff out of the chicken house, as it will once again be a chicken house, rather than a storage shed.  Two distinct piles, one discard and one keep.  The discard is the larger one!

Plants waiting for a new home!
Alicia saw an idea for an herb garden in a magazine and had a desire to recreate the effect.  
The start of the spiral herb bed.

John, Alicia and David.....the construction crew!

Finished and almost ready to plant.

The addition of compost will make a nice environment for seeds.
Last week I rototilled the garden area which was a monumental task as the ground was rough and uneven.  Reynald and Alicia hooked on to our field sub-soiler with Arthur and tore through the garden plot to break up some of the compaction, which helped, but still it was a job to get the tiller through.  The second time over was much easier!
I had to stop short of the burn pile, the site of Reynald's terrible burn accident three weeks ago.  He's doing so much better!  Back to work and healing crazy!  But, that burn pile is still there!  We'll deal with it this fall, after it's had more time to dry.
The burn pile!

Nice to see a happy smile on Reynald's face!
My brother was here this weekend as well.  He worked his head off on various projects but his favorite was mowing the lawn.  Said it took him back 40 years!  (This is the house where we grew up!)
My brother, mowing the lawn with a lawn mower that he no longer uses at his place.

His lawn in Seattle was much more level, and not as large of an area as Alicia's, so it was a bit of a challenge to get this mower to work, but it will be fine for now.
David took on the task of cleaning out some invasive ground cover.  It was a miserable project!
Poor David had an awful job!
Roni Jo and Alicia planted the garden.  It took them all afternoon and the next morning to get all the seeds in the ground.  Now we wait and watch!
Roni Jo is marking the rows for planting.

Now seeding something!

And Alicia seeding something!

Grandma and Grandpa were content to supervise all our activities.  Happy that they had earned this position through many years of hard work on this very property!
Grandma and grandpas really enjoyed the activity of the day!  
Dinner on the porch, with a beautiful sunset and a nutritious meal capped off a very productive day. We all went to bed exhausted and satisfied!

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