Thursday, April 21, 2016

birthdays, blossoms, and blooms

It's been SO warm all week.  Everything in the yard has erupted in bloom, or has expired!  The daffodils are all finished, as are most of the tulips.

The wisteria and lilac are competing for "most fragrant".

The fruit trees are bursting and the bees are frantically working to gather as much pollen as they can possibly squeeze in.

And, today is not only the Queen's 90th birthday, but it's my birthday as well!

It's been a super good day.  Aging is a privilege!


  1. Looking good for that high of speed limit :)

  2. Happy belated birthday Miss Linda, raise your glass for many more!

  3. Happy belated birthday Miss Linda, raise your glass for many more!

  4. beautiful flowers and a super beautiful mama!
