Friday, February 6, 2015


It rained today, most of the day, though there was not a huge accumulation. But we will take every drop that falls.  The ground has thawed from the winter so every bit of water that fell, went in to the ground.  We are still woefully behind on moisture.  More rain is predicted through Sunday. We're keeping our fingers crossed that it does indeed materialize.

There was a break in the rain around noon so I took advantage and went outside and dug some carrots and parsnips.  I leave them in the ground all winter, covered with straw.  They are sweet as candy, crisp and crunchy.  I made a split pea and ham soup and added some carrots, for our dinner tonight.

Straw covering the carrots and parsnips in the garden.


freshly dug parsnips and carrots

some of these will make their way to Boston!
Speaking of dinner......Reynald has been trapping mice like crazy, outside, NOT inside!  Every morning, when Baxter and I go outside he checks the trap by the back porch.  He is never disappointed.  There is always a mouse in it.  He grabs the mouse, which comes with a trap and hauls it out to the field, where to takes a leak, mouse and trap still in his mouth!  This morning he dropped the trap and ran after the cat, forgetting about the mouse.  Tonight when we were out taking photos, he found the trap, and the mouse and proudly carried them both around for a while.  It's kinda gross and kinda hilarious all at the same time!
Baxter with his prize!
 It was a very warm day.  After the rain stopped this afternoon, the sun broke through and shone so brightly.  I rushed outside to take some photos.  The contrast between the dark and dreary day, and the brilliant sunset was striking.
A suddenly bright end to the day

the start of an amazing sunset

and it just keeps getting better

and better

A porch quilt and a glass of wine would be perfect right now!

The sun is below the horizon.

Still brilliant, but starting to fade.  So beautiful.