Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tea Party

This past Sunday I had a wonderful time at a tea party that was hosted by Louise for her daughter Chemyn who is leaving shortly for a trip to Scotland.  Chemyn has been dreaming about taking this trip for years, and finally decided to just do it!  I can't wait to hear all the stories and see the pictures once she returns.

In the meantime, a group of ladies gathered on a Sunday afternoon to wish Chemyn a Bon Voyage, sample some delectable treats, sip some hot tea, tell a few stories and laugh and laugh and laugh.  I want to do it again!!!!

A beautifully set tea table.

Hats were encouraged, gloves, optional.

Each place was set with antique china, linens and a marzipan treat.  

We were asked to chose where we would like to sit, and I chose the place with the bee!

He looks a little grumpy, doesn't he?

Each marzipan was different.  I really loved this rose.

Also at each place setting was a vase with a single stem of lily of the valley and another with a snow drop.

Some of the tea treats.  Another marzipan treat, this one in the shape of a spring hat!  Also tea cookies and triple ginger cookies with a macadamia nut!


Chemyn and Louise

Louise is never sure what Chemyn is going to do or say next!

I love this image of mother and daughter.  Such love and admiration for one another.

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