Saturday, September 5, 2015


The most amazing thing happened today.  It rained, and it rained and it rained!!!  We ended up with an inch and a quarter.  Pretty incredible, since before today, we had received .97 of an inch since April 1st.   Goodness.  It is welcome relief and just what we all needed.  Our seeding conditions were dismal until today.  Now, we will wait a few days for this moisture to soak in and hit the ball, getting those wheat seeds in the ground, to germinate and happily grow!

Can you see how dark the soil is after the rain?  It hasn't looked like this all year....

After the rain finished, there were still some impressive clouds hanging around.

The plants are breathing a deep sigh, as they are finally washed off from the terrible dust storm that happened last Saturday.

It's been so hot and dry this season.  In spite of that, this rose is giving it one last shot!

And this clematis!  Alicia cut it down to the ground in July and here it is, back again, and blooming!  When it blooms next spring, it will be on this growth, which means the blossoms will be double instead of single like they are now.

I spent the morning in my sewing room.  It's time to focus on this feathered star block that will be the Christmas quilt for our bed.  I am currently assembling parts.  I am so easily distracted away from this project because it is so intricate and time consuming.  But, the time has come.  I must finish it!  I've set October 1st as my completion goal, which may be ambitious because there's still a lot of farm work to do, not to mention yard and garden, but it's a goal!

I think I have posted this before.  I have three blocks out of 25, finished.  But, I do have a lot of pieces put together.  One day I will just start picking up pieces and putting them in order and suddenly a quilt will appear!'s September which means it's time to change the dishes to sunflower colors!  K, if I had to pick only one color, (which would be totally unreasonable to ask!) I would choose this brown.  I really love brown!!!

September is sunflower month!  Brown and yellow......