Thursday, November 19, 2015

The winds of November

Yesterday I did a tour of the farm to document the damage that was caused by the extremely high winds that blew all day Tuesday and in to the evening.  We are lucky though, to still have electricity. when so many in the Spokane area do not.  What a challenge that is, especially when it stretches in to days, not hours.

Porch furniture tossed and tumbled by the wind.

If you enlarge this, you can see how dirty the house is from the storm.  There must have been just enough rain to glue the dust on to everything!

The wind flipped this picnic bench over.  There's a really fun story behind this picnic table.......a story for another day.

We have some kind and generous neighbors that share their weeds with us when the wind blows.

More weeds.....mostly Russian thistle and tumble mustard.  These carcasses have happily seeded themselves from their point of origin, all across the fields as they roll along.

Now this is amazing.  This is our 3000 gallon water tank.  It is empty now, for the season, but it is supposed to sit up by the shop, by the white tank that you can see in the distance.

It rolled through the field, (like a Russian thistle!) and ended up here.  It's covered with dirt from the journey.

You can see the circle area in the gravel, where the tank is supposed to be sitting.  And the distance it traveled.

These big tanks are storage for spring and summer fertilizer.  Again, you can see the circle in the gravel where they are supposed to sit.  The tank on the left not only moved back, but twisted.  The valve that is sticking out to the left is supposed to be headed in the same direction as the other tank.  

And, here's the big grain auger, tipped over and smashed in to the grain bin.

A little closer look at the smash.

Baxter inspecting the damage.

On a happier note, the chicks are growing like crazy.  Their little voices are beginning to change from the high pitched cheep, to an almost cluck now and then!  Most of the time it's still a cheep, but if you listen closely you can hear a change coming!

Our adolescent chickens!  My how they have grown.

Here's my little runt.  She has been smaller all along.  I kept expecting her to die, but she just hangs in there.  You can see how much smaller she is than the gal right next to her.

This is our rooster.  When he gets a little older, and starts to learn to crow, it's just hilarious.  It takes a couple weeks for him to get his big boy voice.

The girls were so curious while I was trying to get some good images.  This photo cracks me up!

This one is pretty funny too, but not as good as the one before.  

Here's how the little runt gets to the food,  She flies up and perches on the edge of the feeder.  Since she did it, this bigger hen thought she should try too!  She's just too big to perch on the edge like the little one.  

Looks like winter will soon be upon us with much colder temperatures and even a chance of snow in the forecast next week.  Time to snuggle in and nest for the winter.


  1. Goodness gracious, the power of that wind is astonishing...I'm glad YOU both are still standing!

  2. craziness!! I still can't believe it. glad your ladies were ok through all of it!
