Thursday, June 1, 2017

Happy Birthday Uncle George

Today is Reynald's Uncle George's birthday.  Uncle George died four and a half years ago but his memory lives on daily in our family.

When Reynald was a young boy, and into young adulthood, it was primarily Uncle George that he worked with.  He learned so much from those work years.  Oh, Reynald and Uncle George didn't always get along, and there were some very LOUD discussions as Reynald aged and started to express his very fixed opinions, which often clashed with George's even more fixed opinions, but overall, their relationship was one of respect.  And that respect only grew as they both aged.

On memorial day we visited the cemetery where Uncle George is buried.  His family has recently placed a beautiful headstone that is the most appropriate tribute to him that could be made.  Normally, this is something that I would not share through a photograph.  But, this image is just so fitting, and such a loving tribute to a man that spent his life caring for his family, and the land upon which he worked.

We know that you rest in peace Uncle George.  And thank you for all that you taught us through out your long and productive life.

1 comment:

  1. I miss Uncle George too. I can still hear his voice while I swept the floor of the shop.
