Monday, April 20, 2020

Weekend in the pasture

This past weekend we loaded up the SS Rolinco and drove a few miles north to the Mielke pasture campground.  It was a beautiful weekend. 

We arrived Friday mid afternoon and got set up.  At 5pm we celebrated a virtual cocktail hour with our Portland family.  Sadly, I didn't take a photo of Reynald and myself, and Baxter sitting in the jeep, on top of a hill so that we could get enough signal for zoom, with our cocktails.  It was so much fun! 

Cast iron pizza on the grill!

This is where a spring bubbles out from the ground.  It's the best water you will ever drink.  

The view from the hill where we parked the jeep for our cocktail hour!

Saturday morning we took a walk around "the loop" and in the afternoon we went for a long ride in the the jeep.  As often happens in the spring, a rain squall blew in while we were motoring along, in the open air jeep.  We got a little be wet, but made it back to the warm, dry SS Rolinco before it really started to rain.  What a treat to listen to the rain beat down on the roof as we had our dinner.

A whole hillside of grass widows, back lit by the sun.  

Grass widow, yellow bells and butter cups.  

A man and his dog. 

If you enlarge this photo, you can see a thick cluster of buttercups at the bottom of this  rock cliff, near the dead tree fall.

I love this red lichen, and the other colors too!

Surveying the geography from a different vantage point than before.  

Reynald and Uncle George built this fence.  They put these heavy rocks on top of the fence post to keep them from lifting out of the ground in the spring of the year when the soil was wet.  The tension from the fence wires would pull the fence posts out of the damp soil.  

This area is called "The Recreation Area" by the family.  Uncle George and Reynald's father designed these ponds so that they cattle would have winter water.  It's a series of three ponds, one draining in to the other.  

This pair of geese were not very pleased with our presence in their pond, especially not Baxter, though he was on leash.

First they jumped in the water and swam to the middle of the pond, and still didn't feel comfortable so took flight.  

Back at camp, a Corona and left over pizza for lunch!

Campfire/cook stove.  

Saturday afternoon a rain shower rolled through and it poured for about 45 minutes.  We were warm and dry inside the SS Rolinco, happy to listen to the rain beat down on the roof.  
Sunday morning we had breakfast then walked the loop again and picked up plastic bailing string, left behind by the previous tenant.  There's more to pick up in a different area, which we will do another time, but we made a start at least. 

We came home, spent the afternoon working around the yard and cleaning up the motor home.  It was a gorgeous afternoon.  We left one beautiful setting to return to another.

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