Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring weather

It has been said in this area of the country, that if you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes and it will change!  This morning we woke up to snow, and it continued through much of the morning.  We had more accumulation today than we had all winter.  This is not an uncommon occurrence, to have snow in April, and even May.  I think what seemed so odd this morning was that it was one of the few snow falls of winter, and now it's spring!

The poor daffodils and tulips looked so forlorn, with snow falling on them.  It was pretty though, and we got a fair amount of moisture from the event!

Tomorrow is supposed to be windy, so we probably won't be able to spray.  Not to worry, the rest of the week is forecast to be sunny and warm, so we'll hit the ball when and if that really does happen.  In the meantime, we're both busy doing indoor things, like cross stitch projects for me and book work for Reynald.  What a wonderful life we have.....

1 comment:

  1. so crazy looking against all your beautiful flowers!!
